Peace Lily Care Guide: Growing Information And Tips

A long-time favorite of people with a green thumb and those who don’t, Spathiphyllum, commonly called “the Peace lily is a tolerant and low-maintenance plant for the home. Peace lilies do not actually belong to the lilies ( Lilium spp.) at all however they are part of the Araceae family. The flowers of this species resemble calleda lilies (both species are part of one family) and that is the reason why it is named. The most striking part of the flower has an hood-like, white sheath (known as spathe) which resembles a symbol of surrender.

Our rose plant is a source of the sun with a dazzling array of vibrant flowers as well as lush greenery. Even though it is in its bud-stage roses in this plant will bloom beautifully within a short period of time.

There are many varieties of sizes and kinds of peace Lilies. They are mostly used as flooring plants as they are able to grow up to three feet high and have wide and bold leaves. Mauna Loa Supreme (a Spathiphyllum hybrid) is the most common mid-sized variety. It can grow up to four feet tall and has bronze-colored foliage and plenty of large spathes, which are cupped.

It finally received the respect it is due from the general public once NASA placed it on their listing of ” Top Ten Household Air Cleaning Plants.” This shade-loving tropical plant aids in cleaning the air that we breathe. Although we all enjoy clean, oxygenated air it’s the ease of the lily provides, its resilience and tolerant nature that make these plants so popular as house plants.

Peace Lily Plant Overview

The species is native to the tropical rainforests in America The peace lily is a beautiful and elegant perennial that can add vitality to any room. The common peace lily can reach 24-40 inches in height, and the deluxe varieties can reach 32-50 inches.

The white flowers from the peace lily typically occur in spring and are more of a modified leaves called more of a “bract,” than a multi-petaled flower. If the plants are properly cared for, they can bloom again in autumn as well. The blooms last for a minimum of two months and once the blooms have faded then a time of no blooms is followed by a period of non-blooming. Peace lilies do well in dark spaces like bedrooms, offices as well as hospital rooms. Add its easy care along with its ability to help clean our air and you’ll understand why peace lilies are an incredibly popular home plant.

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Cats?

Peace lilies are categorized in the ASPCA as one of the houseplants which are poisonous for cats. They are a source of oxalates that can be irritating to animals’ mouths and stomach. Since the irritation starts at initial bites the animal is able to stop eating the plant very quickly, thus avoiding serious poisoning. The dogs and cats who ingest peace lily leaves start to squeal shake their heads, and then paw their mouths.

Because cats are extremely agile and who are known for their curiosity the best method to safeguard their pets from injury is to make sure you don’t possess any poisonous plants. Also, be aware of what kind of plants spark your cat’s curiosity like trailsing vines or large plants, and avoid purchasing these types of plants. Keep your plants far from any furniture or fixtures that could be a source of access to cats. Also, you could consider a method of deterring your cat, such as placing mothballs into small containers that have holes, or sprinkle coffee grounds in the soil in order to keep your cat out.

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Dogs?

Keep peace lilies away from their reach for dogs since they are toxic to dogs in the event of ingesting it. Based on the Pet Poison Helpline, the calcium oxalate crystals could trigger an inflammation that causes swelling of the tongue, mouth throat, throat, and the airways. If your dog is suffering from peace lily poisoning you must bring him to the veterinarian to be treated. A majority of dogs are prohibited from eating a large amount of the plant, or taking it for a second time.

To stop your pet from eating peace lilies, put the plant in a safe place. Make sure to use command commands to keep your dog all peace lilies they might encounter outdoors. If they are in your backyard, you should confine them to a secure area.

Peace Lily Care Tips

If you’re looking for ideas regarding how to take care of the peace lily, then you’ve found the right website. Learn more about how to care for peace lily below.

The light:Peace lilies prefer light partial shadeand take fluorescent light. Some have even been found to thrive in rooms that have none windows. The yellowing leaves suggest that the light is too intense and brown or streaks can indicate burning of direct sunlight. It is recommended to place the plant 6-8 feet from a north or west-facing windows.

Wasser: If you’re wondering how often you should keep a peace lily hydrated, one suggestion is to wait until the plant begins to shrink a bit before watering. One of the benefits when it comes to taking care of this plant is that it can sag when it’s in need of water and is essentially telling you that it’s thirsty. In general, you should water every week at least and ensure that the soil is kept humid. In the summer, during the growing season, spray your leaves with distilled or soft water. It is less important to water your plants in the winter.

If you’ve neglected to water for a long time and then discover that your plant is completely exhausted with fronds that are flat on the edge of the pot, you can spray the water immediately and then rinse. You may be surprised by how fast the peace lily re-emerges.

Peace lilies are susceptible to chlorine. When your municipality’s water is chlorinated, then fill a container with water and let it to sit overnight so that the chlorine will disperse before it is poured into the peace flower.

Temperatures:The peace lily makes an ideal house plant as it thrives in indoor temperatures which most people appreciate. It is a fan of temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Celsius, as well as humid climates. Peace lilies can’t stand cold drafts or temperatures that fall below 45 degrees F. It is best to keep them inside most of the time, and keep them far from heating or cooling appliances in your home.

Toxicity: From the spathiphyllum family peace lilies don’t really belong to the family of Lilies (Liliaceae) which is why they do not have the same toxic impact real lilies have. However, they can be poisonous to canines and cats due to the fact that they are a source of calcium Oxalate. Peace lilies are best kept away from pets and children. Knowing the risks can prevent incidents. Check out the toxic plants guide to learn more.

Pests and problems: As compared with other plants for the house that are commonly used for landscaping, the peace lily is fairly resistant to pests and diseases. While they may be susceptible to Aphids and spider mites or mealybugs, the owners usually maintain control over these pests with regular wiping of leaves. If pests infest the plant, spray your plant with insecticide soap.

The tips of brown leaves may result from a variety of factors, including over-watering insufficient fertilization, and a low humidity. Learn to listen to your plant’s signals. If your leaves are becoming brown in the lower part on the tree, that might simply mean that older leaves aren’t able to keep up with the faster developing younger leaves.

The peace lily earns its “easy” label for four reasons. It first sags when it is thirsty and is quickly revived after a long sip. The second reason is that it thrives in dim light conditions. The peace lily is extremely resilient. A pest infestation or couple of waterings that aren’t done could cause it look pale and wilted but it bounces back swiftly. With enough care and regular wiping of the leaves The peace lily does not seem to be the pest magnet that roses and house plants are.