Snake Plant Care Guide: Growing Information And Tips

If you believe that the only plant that you can sustain is made from plastic Consider reconsidering your assumptions. Sansevieria (commonly called”the snake”) is a very adaptable plant that is extremely difficult to destroy. It is able to withstand the driest conditions, low light levels and being left unnoticed. They may even reward you for your negligence by helping clean the air around your house.

Through time, Sansevierias have been treasured throughout Chinese, African, Japanese and Brazilian culture. In China the plant was kept close to entrances into the house because they were believed to be the place where the eight virtues were able to pass through. In Africa the plant was utilized for the production of fibers, which was which was valued for its medicinal properties and was used as a charm to protect against bewitchment.

The genus was named after Raimondo de Sangro the Prince of Sansevero, who was a faithful patron of horticulture in the 18th century Italy. The common name comes from the wavy stripe design on the leaves. It is not just that the snake plant possess roots in the past and culture, but it’s an extremely popular decoration element in many places.

Snake Plant Overview

Sansevieria are perennial evergreen plants that can be anywhere from 8 inches to 12 feet tall. Their leaves, which resemble swords, are 2 feet in length. The leaves are robust, broad and straight, with dark green hue that is variegated with yellow and white stripes. They are known for their capacity to withstand in the worst conditions of growth.

They also are renowned for their properties that in the purification of air. Because they are able to produce oxygen at night, snake plant make a great bed partner.

Types of Snake Plant

There are about 70 kinds of species of snake plants indigenous to Africa, Madagascar, and southern Asia. It was initially sought-after for its fibers which were then used to make baskets and ropes.

Check out a couple of the most fascinating cultivars and species:

Sansevieria trifasciata (Mother-in-law’s tongue)

The most frequently employed species for gardening, Sansevieria trifasciata is often referred to as mother-in law’s tongue because of it’s sharp, pointed foliage. Although it’s uncommon that these species flower it is possible to be woken up to see a lengthy stem of flowers covered with buds. This is usually the case during times when plants have been stress-ridden, however it will not harm the plant. Their cream or white flowers are similar to lilies once they’re fully open. Similar to lilies, they have a pleasant scent that can fill the air in a space. Unfortunately, insects can also like the scent.

Sansevieria Twist

The name implies that this cultivar is twisted in its leaves. It is a plant that grows at a low rate Sansevieria “twist” produces different shades of yellow and green. The flowering pattern is unpredictable, and when it is finished the plant will stop to grow new leaves. It can grow to an average height of two to one-feet, and approximately the same in width.

Sansevieria robusta

The plant is native from India, Sansevieria ‘robusta’ is an exceptional and sought-after cultivar. Due to its strength and immunity to neglect it is commonly described as an “bulletproof plant.” Its leaves are broader and shorter than other species, and have the same pattern and color of cross-banding on the leaf’s horizontal side.

Snake Plant Care Tips

While the snake plant can be simple to take care of It is important to be familiar with the plant’s fundamental preferences and requirements. If you’re looking for ways to care for the snake plant, check out this article for some suggestions.

Lighting: As we’ve mentioned snake plants are extremely durable and are simple to maintain. Although they are able to withstand all day sun and even the smallest amount of light, indirect sunlight is the ideal light source for a snake plant.

The water of Snake Plants can turn rotten, so ensure that the soil is well-drained, and avoid overwatering it (especially when it is cold). It is important to let the soil dry between irrigations. Because they come from dry deserts, they do best in soils with sandier particles.

Temperatures: Conditions ranging from 55-85 are ideal for the species, but they are more tolerant of warmer temperatures. Temperatures that are below 50 may cause harm.

Toxicity Although the levels of toxicity are not too high however, it is recommended to keep pets out of the plant. It could result in excessive nausea, pain, salivation vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Knowing about poisonous plants can help stay safe from any accident while enjoying the beauty of your garden.

Pests and Issues: Although it is easy to cultivate but there are some issues you could face. Insufficient watering or exposure to temperatures that are cold are the main cause. These tough plants do not have many bugs, however, they are susceptible to being infested with spider mites and mealybugs. Since these pests sucking sap away from leaves, they cause cuts and leaves shedding. It is possible to dab mealybugs with alcohol to control them. The spider mites are removed by cleaning the leaves and increasing humidity in the area around the plant.