15 Tips for Taking Care of Plants That Are Brilliant and Simple

Plant care is not always straightforward when you’re unclear where to begin. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of plant care and established a routine, you’ll begin to realize all the amazing perks of being a plant parent. Plants have been demonstrated in research to improve your breathing and happiness simply by being among them. Whether you’re adding houseplants to your room or office, we’ve highlighted some essential plant care recommendations to aid you in caring for your new plant babies. Following these plant care recommendations will become second nature to you very quickly!

Feel the Soil to Determine the Appropriate Frequency of Watering Your Plants
replanting a healthy green plant

You may be unsure how frequently to water your indoor potted plants. The golden rule for most plants is to check to see if the first inch or two of soil is dry. If the soil is dry, this indicates that the plant requires water. If any leaves have shriveled or are dry/discolored, the plant may require a little more water than usual.

It’s Better to Underwater Your Plants Than to Overwater Them

A plant that has been deprived of water recovers more quickly than one that has been given excessive water. To rescue an overwatered plant, you may need to repot it and remove any unhealthy roots or overwatered soil before transplanting it into a new container.

If You’re Uncertain About Fertilizing Houseplants

Fertilization is not necessary for houseplants unless they are having difficulty growing. If you’re unclear of the amount or type of fertilizer to use before planting, it’s best to omit that step entirely. Excessive fertilizing may actually harm your plant rather than benefit it.

Houseplants Delight in Stability A potted green plant next to a window

We recommend determining the location of your plant in your home before selecting one. Plants thrive when they become accustomed to their surroundings, and finding the proper quantity of light is critical. Additionally, temperature is critical. Fluctuating temperatures shock your plant, preventing it from developing and maybe dying. The majority of plants thrive at temperatures between 65o and 75oF.

The Fastest Growing Plants Are Smaller Plants succulent in pot

When purchasing a plant, it is usually preferable to get a smaller plant rather than a larger one. This is because a smaller plant will be able to establish itself more quickly in its environment and will have a higher root-to-top growth ratio. A larger plant will stop growing once its roots catch up to the top growth.

Incorporate Low-Light Plants into Bathrooms Place a green plant next to the bathroom sink

Low light plants still require light, but a small bathroom window that does not receive direct sunlight is ideal for these plants. The shower will also be the primary source of water for your plant, rather than the hose. Showering creates humidity, which will water your plants that do not require frequent watering. You may want to look in every now and again to determine whether your plant requires additional water. This is simply accomplished by inspecting the soil, as described in the first suggestion.

Water Green Plants Deeply Rather Than Lightly and Frequently Using a White Watering Can

When watering lightly and regularly, just the top roots can sip the water, depriving your plant of the fuel it requires to exist. Watering thoroughly, which means heavily watering your plants, permits all of the roots to get a drink. To avoid overwatering, water your plant slowly and monitor for when the water no longer drains through the soil. Once you become aware of this, come to a halt.

Proper Plant Pruning

Eliminating old foliage on your plants will aid in their regrowth. This is similar to how cutting your hair’s dead ends encourages new growth. After winter, you’ll notice that some of your plant’s tips or leaves have died, at which point a basic plant trim will suffice!

Experiment with a DIY Self-Watering Planter System

While hiring a plant sitter may be challenging if you’re short on time or money, don’t despair – there are numerous ways to water your plants while you’re away. Several solutions include recycling glass and plastic bottles and establishing a drip system. To discover how to create these do-it-yourself self-watering systems, read our guide to watering your plants while you are away.

Avoid Pulling Your Plants to Repot Them

Not only would pulling a plant damage the stems, leaves, and blooms, but it will also tear the roots. Roots that have been damaged must recover before they can absorb nutrients adequately, which is why removing your plant out of its pot is never a good idea. Consult our guide to repotting a plant to ensure that your plant is not harmed.

Attempt to Recreate the Native Habitat of Your Plant hanging golden pothos plant
This includes the type of soil you purchase, the humidity, the temperature, the amount of water, and the amount of sunlight. Conducting research on the native habitat of your plant will assist you in determining the climate and terrain that your plant prefers. Adapting this to the way you care for your plant will benefit the longevity of your plant.

The majority of plants thrive in high humidity by misting green plants with water.
Due to the fact that the majority of homes have dry air, particularly in the winter, you may choose to modify the air. This might be as straightforward as obtaining a humidifier for the rooms in your home where you keep your cherished plants.

Keep an eye out for withering succulent plants with yellow or drooping leaves.
Inquiring with your local horticulturists will undoubtedly direct you to the proper fertilizer for each plant, as each plant need a unique fertilizer to recover to full health, based on the terrain from which it originated. Along with fertilizer, you can make some homemade plant food, which your plant will undoubtedly appreciate.

Inspect Pots for Drainage Holes huge green plant adjacent to succulent
Drainage is critical for the health of your plant and the soil. Proper drainage helps the roots to breathe rather of remaining submerged in water and suffocating them.

Don’t Forget to Dust Your Plants!

Plants that accumulate an excessive amount of dust on their leaves are unable to receive the sunlight they require to survive, particularly green plants and plants with large leaves. Use a damp towel to gently wash off the leaves of your plants on both sides a few times per year.

Following all of these guidelines should ensure that each of your plants lives a long and happy life. The most enjoyable part of bringing your plants home is deciding the area to warmly welcome them. If you find that your plant is wilting, there are several methods for reviving plants.